Valorant is a trendy online tactical shooter game developed and published by Riot Games. It’s a 5v5 game where two teams compete against each other to complete objectives and defeat the enemy team. The game combines elements from many genres, such as strategy, action, and shooting. Players can play with custom skins, weapons, and abilities that can be unlocked through gameplay or purchased with real money.
Author Archives: The Editorial Team
In the previous patches 11.9 and 11.10, we saw several champions getting nerfed, such as Diana, Hecarim, Jinx, Morgana, and even Dr. Mundo! However… We weren’t as ecstatic to see buffs for Lulu, Xerath, Kayn, and Shen. Riot Games amped up one of the top-performing supports today: Lulu! Still…Riot Games made some pretty exciting changes […]
Some of us play League of Legends for fun, and then there’s some of us who think of it as a race to Diamond! After all, Riot games made it that way, too. We’re of the competitive category, and hate to see our so-called MMR go down the drain, too. On that note, could we […]
Took a break from the last season and trying to get back? We’ve got you covered! Spot this League of Legends Tier List categorized and divided into bite-sized pieces! Let the games of the tier lists begin! League of Legends Tier List: What Is It? Before we begin, here’s a little guide for those who […]
With the new League of Legends patch comes a new champion, Viego, the Ruined King! Here’s everything you need to know about MOBA’s 154th champion. After being hyped up with a bunch of teasers from Riot Games’ Season 2021, Viego is the first new champion to welcome the new year in the Summoners Rift. This […]
Racking up your player level and unlocking a bunch of champions only gets so satisfying before it gets monotonous. If you feel like you’re ready for more of a challenge, maybe it’s time to climb LoL’s ranked mode. Since being new to ranked can be confusing, this article is a deep dive into everything you […]
Winning matches in League of Legends, whether its blind pick or ranked solo/duo, isn’t merely about achieving “First Blood” or having a high K/D/A ratio. There’s one element you’re missing: Improving your creep score (CS). Experienced players who have achieved a Platinum, Diamond, or Challenger rank in League of Legends have a CS of 100+ […]
League of Legends Ruined King Ruined King: League of Legends was announced awhile back in December 2019, giving fans and RPG players a much-awaited single-player experience. We understand it’s been nearly two years since the initial release of the upcoming “true RPG” game. Riot Forge promised us updates, and that’s what we’ll be sharing with […]
When you and your team have ranked up, gained champions and considerable experience, what’s left to do? If you’re serious about rising through the ranks, you can then battle for the trophy. Tournament mode is the best place to garner rewarding wins. It’s a great battleground to play against a team at your skill level. You’ll […]
After enough League of Legends, you’d gain new levels, experience, and Summoner Spells. What else is there to do after? If you’re a serious player, you’d want to climb up the ladder. In team-based games, it could take a while to climb ranks on your own. Instead of doing it alone, it’s more efficient to gain […]